Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free Essays on The Yearling

After the Civil War many men moved to the scrubs. One of those men was Penny Baxter, who moved to a place in the scrubs called Baxter’s Island. He settled there and started a family. He had a wife who goes by Ma, and a son named Jody. Jody’s maturity is shown throughout one year, through different events, in the novel called The Yearling. In the early stages of the book Jody spends his time avoiding his chores, and having fun instead. â€Å"He [Penny] was doing Jody’s work, and in his good coat†(9). Although, it seemed not always to be Jody’s fault that he did not do his work, but some blame could be put on Penny. â€Å"’Men-folks has got to stick together in the name o’ peace’†(11). Penny remembers what it’s like to be a kid, there is just one rule, to act like a kid. Jody did eventually mature enough to do his chores around the house. â€Å"’ Look at him [Jody] move,’ his mother said. ‘To see him hoe, you’d think he was a snail. Say â€Å"huntin†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ‘ and he’s as quick as an otter’†. (29) Besides hunting, something else motivated Jody to be responsible; Flag. Flag was a fawn that Jody found and raised by himself. Jody was extremely proud of Flag, although Flag was a bit rambunctious toward the end of the book, ruining the only crops the Baxter’s had to eat. This was a serious matter because there was no more hunting to be done at this point, hunting season had ended and the crops and the little meat were suppost to get them through the winter. Throughout the past year, Jody is maturing with each coming day. Different events also guided Jody on the right path to becoming a man. For instance, the death of Fodder-wing. This was a horrible tragedy in this story, yet w if it had not happened, Jody would not have had that motivation to take on more responsibility as he grew older. â€Å"’I come to see Fodder-wing. I come to show him my fawn’. . .’Buck said, ï ¿ ½... Free Essays on The Yearling Free Essays on The Yearling After the Civil War many men moved to the scrubs. One of those men was Penny Baxter, who moved to a place in the scrubs called Baxter’s Island. He settled there and started a family. He had a wife who goes by Ma, and a son named Jody. Jody’s maturity is shown throughout one year, through different events, in the novel called The Yearling. In the early stages of the book Jody spends his time avoiding his chores, and having fun instead. â€Å"He [Penny] was doing Jody’s work, and in his good coat†(9). Although, it seemed not always to be Jody’s fault that he did not do his work, but some blame could be put on Penny. â€Å"’Men-folks has got to stick together in the name o’ peace’†(11). Penny remembers what it’s like to be a kid, there is just one rule, to act like a kid. Jody did eventually mature enough to do his chores around the house. â€Å"’ Look at him [Jody] move,’ his mother said. ‘To see him hoe, you’d think he was a snail. Say â€Å"huntin†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ‘ and he’s as quick as an otter’†. (29) Besides hunting, something else motivated Jody to be responsible; Flag. Flag was a fawn that Jody found and raised by himself. Jody was extremely proud of Flag, although Flag was a bit rambunctious toward the end of the book, ruining the only crops the Baxter’s had to eat. This was a serious matter because there was no more hunting to be done at this point, hunting season had ended and the crops and the little meat were suppost to get them through the winter. Throughout the past year, Jody is maturing with each coming day. Different events also guided Jody on the right path to becoming a man. For instance, the death of Fodder-wing. This was a horrible tragedy in this story, yet w if it had not happened, Jody would not have had that motivation to take on more responsibility as he grew older. â€Å"’I come to see Fodder-wing. I come to show him my fawn’. . .’Buck said, ï ¿ ½...

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Use Functions and Procedures in Delphi

How to Use Functions and Procedures in Delphi Have you ever found yourself writing the same code over and over to perform some common task within event handlers? Yes! Its time for you to learn about programs within a program. Lets call those mini-programs subroutines. Intro to subroutines Subroutines are an important part of any programming language, and ​Delphi is no exception. In Delphi, there are generally two types of subroutines: a ​function and a procedure. The usual difference between a function and a procedure is that a function can return a value, and a procedure generally will not do so. A function is normally called as a part of an expression. Take a look at the following examples: procedure SayHello(const sWhat:string) ; begin ShowMessage(Hello sWhat) ; end; function YearsOld(const BirthYear:integer): integer; var Year, Month, Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(Date, Year, Month, Day) ; Result : Year - BirthYear; end; Once subroutines have been defined, we can call them one or more times: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin SayHello(Delphi User) ; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin SayHello(Zarko Gajic) ; ShowMessage(You are IntToStr(YearsOld(1973)) years old!) ; end; Functions and Procedures As we can see, both functions and procedures act like mini-programs. In particular, they can have their own type, constants and variable declarations inside them. Take a closer look at a (miscellaneous) SomeCalc function: function SomeCalc (const sStr: string; const iYear, iMonth: integer; var iDay:integer): boolean; begin ... end; Every procedure or function begins with a header that identifies the procedure or function and lists the parameters the routine uses if any. The parameters are listed in parentheses. Each parameter has an identifying name and usually has a type. A semicolon separates parameters in a parameter list from one another. sStr, iYear, and iMonth are called constant parameters. Constant parameters cannot be changed by the function (or procedure). The iDay is passed as a var parameter, and we can make changes to it, inside the subroutine. Functions, since they return values, must have a return type declared at the end of the header. The return value of a function is given by the (final) assignment to its name. Since every function implicitly has a local variable Result of the same type as the functions return value, assigning to Result has the same effect as assigning to the name of the function. Positioning and Calling Subroutines Subroutines are always placed in the implementation section of the unit. Such subroutines can be called (used) by an event handler or subroutine in the same unit that is defined after it. Note: the uses clause of a unit tells you which units it can call. If we want a specific subroutine in a Unit1 to be usable by the event handlers or subroutines in another unit (say Unit2), we have to: Add Unit1 to the uses clause of Unit2Place a copy of the header of the subroutine in the interface section of the Unit1. This means that subroutines whose headers are given in the interface section are global in scope. When we call a function (or a procedure) inside its own unit, we use its name with whatever parameters are needed. On another hand, if we call a global subroutine (defined in some other unit, e.g. MyUnit) we use the name of the unit followed by a period. ... //SayHello procedure is defined inside this unit SayHello(Delphi User) ; //YearsOld function is defined inside MyUnit unit Dummy : MyUnit.YearsOld(1973) ; ... Note: functions or procedures can have their own subroutines​ embedded inside them. An embedded subroutine is local to the container subroutine and cannot be used by other parts of the program. Something like: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; function IsSmall(const sStr:string):boolean; begin //IsSmall returns True if sStr is in lowercase, False otherwise Result:LowerCase(sStr)sStr; end; begin //IsSmall can only be uses inside Button1 OnClick event if IsSmall(Edit1.Text) then ShowMessage(All small caps in Edit1.Text) else ShowMessage(Not all small caps in Edit1.Text) ; end;